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Morin Waterstruck Brick – A simple, basic product providing human scale, authentic textures, unique colors and shapes beyond rectangles. It is a palette for the architect to use in designing graceful juxtapositions in the client’s space or building envelope or landscape.


Morin Waterstruck Brick – A simple, basic product, elegantly executed for over a century. Our brick adds greater value than cost to your clients’ project. Some architects feel it adds greater value to their designs as well.


Morin Brick – A simple, basic company focusing on projects of any size. Our experienced staff is always ready to assist you in evaluating the suitability of our products to your planned or current project.




We make brick in Maine.


Waterstruck Brick.


Our brick originates from local clay of deposits created by the receding glaciers of the last Ice Age. Sensitively mined in the Androscoggin Watershed for over a hundred years, we form the brick according to the same authentic 17th Century wet mold waterstruck brick process that produced many of North America’s oldest brick buildings.


Past and present projects include buildings at the Universities of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Minnesota.


Bates, Colby, Bowdoin, Amherst, Dartmouth, Brandeis, Harvard, Brown, BC and BU, Phillips Andover, Phillips Exeter and Holderness represent but a few of the many schools, colleges and universities where Morin brick contributes to the stature, longevity and therefore life-cycle value of the campuses.


Far from just a campus brick of choice, Morin Waterstruck Brick gracefully clads civic and cultural landmarks throughout New England in anonymous dignity.


- Rowes Wharf on Boston Harbor

A symbol of Welcome in widely shown Boston tourism ads

- Moakley United States Federal Courthouse

A symbol of Dignity and Justice to those who enter and in national media coverage

- TripAdvisor World Headquarters

A symbol of Substance in the hard to visualize global internet

- The Jackson Laboratory at Bar Harbor

A symbol of Serious Purpose at a world famous independent research institute 


While we are committed to authentic wet mold brick forming, the advances in firing technology provided by our modern 360 foot fuel efficient kiln assure our abundant, rich clay vitrifies to deliver superior aesthetic and physical properties.





Champions of waterstruck Brick

New England’s tradition of producing fine Waterstuck brick continues. We are proud to be the sole remaining wet mold Waterstruck manufacturer in North America. And now, Morin becomes the first Waterstruck manufacturer in North America to offer twelve inch Norman and Roman size units as standard production items.


The ability to remain historically authentic while advancing technically enables us to introduce these new-to-Waterstruck brick sizes now in demand by many prominent design firms throughout the United States and Canada.

Morin’s expertise in special brick shape production is well honed. We produce shapes for architecturally important projects of any size. If you can sketch the condition, we can advise the shape configuration and supply the drawings.


Over our Century plus, Morin Brick has been used on both mansions and modest dwellings, local post offices and global internet success stories, elementary schools as well as university graduate schools, local physicians’ offices, major hospital medical centers and international research laboratories. But the common denominator linking that diverse end-use mix is that Morin Brick continues to provide human scale in nearly all styles of architecture.


We look forward to hearing from you. We’d like to help.


Physical Address:

130 Morin Brick Road

Auburn, ME 04210


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box1510

Auburn, Maine 04211

Telephone: (207) 784-9375 | Facsimile: (207) 784-2013

© 2016 Morin Brick Company a division of R.J. Finlay & Co. 

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